Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Book Can Take You from Despair with Divorce to a GREAT New Life!

A reader commented yesterday about how extensive my book help was.
She commented about how much information on so many topics about divorce recovery was jammed into my text.

She was happy about the "quick relief" offered about how to move on past the downsides of divorce and then quickly get aimed at the many more UPSIDES of that same terrible change in her life.

And how even after finding the many good ways to get past her divorce (a GREAT feat in itself!), there was plenty of chapters and many more ways to find an EVEN BETTER life yet!!

She was very pleased to say that this book value was the best she had ever found.

Thank you, F.R.

Brian Daniel

Friday, February 25, 2011

Please Buy My Book on My Website! especially if you live outside the USA!

I have watched three book sales off of my Amazon Book page this past week alone, and although I am glad for that, I am missing any feedback that these customers may have to offer.

These book sales could be going to Canada, England, New Zealand, Australia, India and other foreign countries since I email to them many times per day, and for sure, many times every week. Amazon sends book to them but limits my royalties to just USA sales.

One fellow from Australia asked me if I would indeed send it to him in the mail and of course I said yes! But I don't think he believed me.
I have mailed some books to England for possible sales and the postage is NOT a lot higher.

Book Customers can save $3 to $5 per book off Amazon's costs by going through my website,
And please, do send back some feedback -- My address for email is at the back of the book on page 212.

Brian Daniel

Monday, February 21, 2011

Optimist or Pessimist? Positive or Negative Attitude? Success or Failure?

This is not a blog about right or wrong, or good or bad, or divorced or not, or separated or not. For the latter, some would say conversely, divorced or separated, or wrongly still together?

This about how you see things, changes in life, sickness or accidents, life's disappointments, or other stressful occasions? And, how you react to them.....

Internet discussions today were pretty negative. Pessimists were looking for help. Others were wondering how to become more positive. Some were searching or wishing/wanting to have success, not failures.

The negative items are hard to beat. They can linger long. The negative styles attract more negatives too! Failures seem to continue, over and over. Depression can be lingering near.

The positives are easier to deal with and can multiply quickly too. They can heap on each other, causing synergies and be contagious. Successes appear everywhere. Self actualization begins.

You can choose which one you want. No one can make you one or the other.
Which do you want to be?

My book title says it all, all upsides (with help for the negative sides too).
Brian Daniel

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Millions of People Every Year in Our Country Divorce and Separate

One of the most difficult downsides of divorce or separation is the alienation, loneliness, shame and feelings of failure about your break-up with a partner. Anger, resentment and hostility can also cloud your days with more negative thoughts. These can be very terrible and can easily weigh one down with depression.

One can feel so alone in this traumatic change in life.


It is important for you to see you are not alone in this, and that you may not be such a terrible partner. Every breakup has two sides of its story and quite frankly, both sides are both at fault in most cases.

I had the same feelings too. But after I realized the millions of others who have these same problems, IT HELPED ME TO COME TO GRIPS WITH MY OWN SITUATION AND RATIONALIZE WHAT I HAD LEARNED. You can do this too.


My book can help you make all of these transitions easier and more quickly.
I can help you through the downsides and then how to find your UPSIDES too.

You can do this just as soon as you decide to.

Brian Daniel

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Do You Want To Do With Your Second Chance At Life?

The UPSIDE of your separation or divorce will be that you CAN HAVE a second chance at life.

It is up to you to decide what, when and how you want to take that second chance at your rest-of-life.
Youe second chance may involve also "who" you want to be with too.

No need to hurry these decisions though. I was able quickly to get busy with some new hobbies, better health, better fitness and new friends and these took about two years. I then began to date again and work on new relationships with possible long term partners.

After about eight years after my divorce, I am still doing ALL of these above and some new ones!
I truly do have a happier and more enjoyable life and all of these things are part of that better life.

What would you like to do with your second chance at life?

Brian Daniel

Friday, February 18, 2011

ANOTHER 5-Star Book Review of "Yes, There Is an Upside of Divorce"

I just got this review (below) from another person who went through a divorce and found some good help in my book. I copied it directly from my Amazon Book Page. It is dated February 17, 2011, just yesterday!

Thanks for getting my book and I am glad it helped you!
Brian Daniel

Here's the review.....

By C. Casteel -

This review is from: Yes, There Is an Upside of Divorce, It Can Be Your Second Chance at Life!: And You Can Make It a Happier and More Enjoyable Life Too! (Paperback)

The advice in this book has been indispensable in helping me move on during and after my divorce.

The author validates what I have been thinking and feeling. He gave me permission to do the things I thought were the right things to do.

I truly believe that there is a life after divorce and that it is up to us to decide what kind of life that will be.

This book tells one how to move on with ones life and to let go of the past. Great book and I highly recommend it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Book and Other Good Help is at

You can save at least $3 to $5 off Amazon's book prices, with buying my book off my own website. I can ship your book to you within 1 or 2 business days after your PayPal receipt is received.

The other good help I offer is my Ten Best Money Ideas which have a money back guarantee, and a way to resolve a bad investment which is not suitable for you.

All of these are on my website, can handle all orders and questions you may have.

Both my book and my money saving information can help you!
I have received only good feedback so far and no negative comments at all!

Brian Daniel

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In Divorce and Separation, There Is Lonely and Alone, And a Difference!

Everyone in divorce or separation will be lonely, at some point and for some time. Some spend a lot of time being lonely.

But being alone is different. IT CAN HAVE AN UPSIDE!

When alone, you can get busy and do things for yourself, for your children, for your friends and for your community. You can clean up where you live, do some exercise, yardwork, get rid of clutter, start a new hobby and so forth.

These GOOD things-to-do will help you see that you have spent your time alone very well and your confidence and self esteem will GROW.

Being lonely is difficult and can make you negative, but being alone has its UPSIDES and can make you more POSITIVE!

There's quite a difference here, yes?

Brian Daniel

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Self-Help Book CAN HELP You Make A GREAT Recovery, If You Want

This daily blog is aimed at You and Your Want to make a GREAT recovery from divorce or separation.

I would estimate that GREAT divorce/separation recovery is 35% "How To Do IT" (my book) and 65% is up to you and how much You really Want to do it.
So it is much more important that You and Your Want to make a GREAT recovery from divorce or separation is the larger and more controlling item for success. Yes?

This is a repeated remark and "bottom line" sort of statement at the end of many chapters in my book. I say many times and in many places in my book that "it is mostly up to you" to make the most of your Upside of Divorce, your Second Chance at Life, your chance to Make It a Happier and More Enjoyable Life Too! the blog title says, My Self-Help Book CAN HELP You Make A GREAT Recovery, but You HAVE TO WANT IT, mostly!

Brian Daniel

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Those Early On in Divorce or Separation Can Be Desperate for Help

I was emailing a young mother who has just separated and will be divorcing her husband of ten years or so. I try and help these people a bit only because they need real assurance that all is not lost forever. I remember the deperate hours and days in those first weeks and months.

She felt very alone, was depressed and was desperate about what will happen to her and her three yound children. She has some family and friends to support her now which is good.

She, like me, is searching for some hope that things will work out while suffering with all the negative issues which are there early on.

I quickly tried to assure her that she is not alone and many of us can help with books, articles, email chat forums and so on. These will help her see that millions of people have these same problems that she does.

I pointed her to the positive ways that she can can handle the negative issues and how to get a new routine going day to day.

It will be up to her to decide what upsides she can find and use later on in her move on past divorce. I am hopeful that she will make it through divorce.

Brian Daniel

Saturday, February 12, 2011

You Can Have a Second Chance at Life Without Divorce or Separation!

My first book review, which was added to my book itself, addressed how my book's positive help could be used by everyone, not just those who had suffered a negative life change, like divorce or separation.

This first book review is from GiGi Konwin from Self Help Products Review on July 22, 2008.

"Here's a positive approach to a very difficult time. Although the book is about divorce, it could easily be applied to any negative life circumstance. Grieving is a natural part of any life loss, however I've seen people that never fully recover even years after their divorce or loss. Brian was able to have a positive attitude quickly and you can too! Full of useful advice and practical examples, this book should be more about living ANY life in a positive way. Don't wait for a negative event to put his ideas to use!"

I certainly agree!

Brian Daniel

Friday, February 11, 2011

Churches Have a Problem With...... "Yes, There Is an Upside of Divorce"

I haven't received much interest in my book from Churches of any and all denominations. And, I wasn't sure why that was the case.

When trying to arrange a divorce recovery workshop some time ago, I got two quick refusals from two local churches who had available meeting rooms.

When I asked them both why they were not willing to allow me to use thir meeting room for divorce recovery discussions, they both replied that they felt my book's title and my discussions were to entice couples to divorce.

Of course, I said that was not at all my intent or message, but they said they simply could not allow anyone to think that, intentionally or not!

I have in my book a recommendation to try and reconcile at least once and at all costs, because I believe not separating and not divorcing is best!


Perhaps, a better title (albeit an even longer title) would be --
"Well, If You Already Have Divorced, Yes, There Is an Upside of Divorce and It Can Be Your Second Chance at Life! and You Can Make It a Happier and More Enjoyable Life Too, But Don't Ever Tell Your Church Minister That!"

Brian Daniel

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yes, There Is an Upside of Divorce, It Can Be Your Second Chance at Life!

Is this title contrary?
Some people have responded "there are NO upsides of divorce!"

In my case with divorce and with many other people too, divorce or separation is terrible, agonizing, devestating and can be debilitating!

But after some time of grieving, wondering who, what, when, where and how it happened, one has a choice to make. And a few questions will likely pop up for one to's those questions.....

OK, so now, what?

Do I want to continue to stew in the anger, resentment, depression and feelings of being a failure?

Can I possibly reconcile with my partner?
(If it is possible, you can try and come back here later, if not!)

Is there something else I want to try and do?


One can continue to feel left behind, feel sorry for what happened and feel there is no hope and continue to see that "there are NO upsides of divorce!"


It is your choice.

Brian Daniel

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Once Your Divorce Legal and Money Issues Are Done, Get Help For YOU!

It can take months and sometimes years for your legal and money issues to be decided and settled. You need to spend a lot of your focus and time and energy to complete these things.

Once those things are final, you then need to get some GOOD help for your personal issues with divorce or separation, which may just be starting or still need to be resolved.

My book helps you to get your personal feelings, desires, goals, new relationships and new things-to-do organized and started. You may or may not be past the negative issues of separation, bad feelings, loneliness and so on, and/or may simply need help to get going again.

Once past these more immediate issues of day-to-day living, you can then move on to the many more positive sides of your divorce or separation. My book can help you to see and find your upsides and begin to enjoy them!

Once you indeed see your change in life as a second chance at life, you can be enabled to truly make a happier and more enjoyable life than the one you have just left.

I did it and you can too!
Brian Daniel

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Those Who CAN Respond Positively to an Unwanted Divorce or Separation

There are many people who can really make the best of negative events in their life. They have the where-with-all to SEE the positive sides of even devestating life changes like divorce or separation.

They embrace and learn to live with things that have happened to them, not wasting time saying "Woe is me!" but thinking and looking about for opportunities these unwanted changes can bring to them.

Most successful people in the world haven't had better luck in their lives. They have simply dealt better with the bad times that they had to endure.

Those things and times they have failed at, but learned how to do better, will enable them to BE much better for it.

Try looking for,seeing and using the upsides of your divorce or separation. You will likely have a happier and more enjoyable rest-of-life!

Brian Daniel

Monday, February 7, 2011

Seeing the Upside in Divorce/Separation Can Help Your Job / Company Too!

Business in the USA is booming again!
Are you doing your best in your job or small business?

The negative issues of divorce or separation can also affect your job performance at work, just as they can in your personal life at home.

Very similar to your being affected by an accident/injury or sickness, your negative emotions in divorce/separation can cause you to miss work and lose attention and productivity at your workplace too.

However if you can maintain a positive attitude in your personal life and get past the negative issues at home and begin seeing the upsides of your rest-of-life yet to live, you will also return to your best performances again at your job or business too.

This is obviously very important to continue good work at your job or workplace and NOT have any added troubles with your employer or your small business. You need to keep money coming in and to keep your job as well.

I know this too as I did suffer some attention and loss of focus on performances at work. These lasted several months but returned to pre-divorce times as soon as I began seeing the upsides of my divorce.

Brian Daniel

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Getting Started With Your New Life After Separation or Divorce

The negative issues with divorce or separation can weigh you down every day.

The loneliness, the anger, the feelings of being a failure, low self esteem, and depression can work together to keep you down and can be hard to overcome.

Distractions like having news shows on while you are alone or listening to your favorite music, especially upbeat music, can help you to get moving again.

Once moving, you can then spend your time cleaning, exercising, finding and starting a new hobby and so on. These can help pass some time and fill many hours of your day while you are alone. These activities will be good uses of your time and you will feel better about yourself and have more confidence that you can live again after your separation or divorce.

Days and weeks of this discipline to keep moving and to stay busy doing things will lead to more satisfaction and even more self esteem for you.

Try this if you are having trouble getting started on some of those down days.

These things-to-do helped me to get past the negative sides of my divorce and got me moving on to even more and larger things-to-do which can be the upsides of divorce or separation.

I hope this may help someone to get started today.

Brian Daniel

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Divorce/Separation AND Self Published Books do have Handicaps!

In your divorce or separation, do you feel you have "handicaps" that work against you? Self Published authors have handicaps too!

Like most new authors, I wanted my book to be published, but got back forty two rejection letters from forty two publishers. These are similar, and less devestating of course, than the constant repeating problems you may find in divorce or separation.

But I didn't give up. My Book was finally self published with BookSurge, a division of Amazon. I learned about self help books and did the text and page layouts by myself and my son did the front and back covers for my low budget self publishing.

Bookstores, I also found, did not want self published books. So, there was no chance for me to get a selling spot in my hometown Borders and Barnes&Noble as a local author. That was another handicap, but I did some personal selling in a grocery store, put some books in small local stores and learned to sell on Craigslist to increase my sales.


Additionally, I have traced my selling against another new author with a similar title who was published, and with a newer book than mine. However, I was very satisfied to find that I sold many more books in my first year on Amazon and that I continue to sell twice as many books as the new competitor there too.

I appreciate all of my buyers who may or may not know I am self published and am happy and proud to provide them with a VERY GOOD product!

So, you see handicaps in book publishing can be overcomed!
So too can you overcome the many "handicaps" you find in your divorce or separation. Don't get disappointed; with a positive attitude you can do better.

My book can help you to overcome those handicaps of your divorce or separation and will also show you the many postive ways to live a happier and more enjoyable life.

Brian Daniel

Friday, February 4, 2011

Some DO NOT BELIEVE There is an Upside of Divorce or Separation!

Divorce or separation can harden one's heart and one can seem angry about everything. When first confronted with this horrible change in life, all the negative issues make it very difficult to see anything positive!

Churches see the title of my book and are afraid it will lead others to want to divorce or separate! They do not want to mislead others in marriages that are in trouble to jump ship!

But when one faces the reality of divorce and separation and comes to grips with its inability to be changed with reconcillation, one simply has a choice to make. Accept those negative changes as best one can and then decide how you want to live the rest of your life.

If you want to have a happier and more enjoyable life, get my book and see how I was able to do it.

With a positive attitude for yourself and your future, you can do it too!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Divorce or Separation Can Provide You with a Second Chance at Life!

Your second chance at life can be a new job, new friends, a new partner to live your rest-of-life, new surroundings, new opportunities for being a better person, getting into better health and fitness, improving your attitude, seeing the positive sides of everyday life, enjoying every hour of every day, finding and making a happier and more enjoyable life than the one you may be in now!

Take your second chance at life, and embrace those new routines, try new things you always wanted to try to do. LIVE your new life with this second chance at life that was brought to you by that traumatic change in life that you have just suffered with.

Bad endings can lead to GOOD beginnings!

Brian Daniel

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yes, Divorce or Separation is horrible, But You Can Make Your Life Better!

Many folks get so far down about their divorce or separation, that they have a difficult time getting out or above of all the negative stuff. Anger, guilt, resentment, sorrow and loneliness can be a very heavy weight on your spirit.

You should take time to vent, talk through and grieve about all of this, and then forgive yourself about what you may have done wrong.

Then realize that what you can change is YOUR life, YOURSELF, YOUR future relationships and YOUR next things to do. And that you do get a second chance to have a better, happier and more enjoyable rest-of-life.

It is not this simple and each of these stages of recovery can take months and years, but YOU CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER!

My book is about how you can move on with all these stages in your divorce or separation, just like I did!

You can do it too!
Brian Daniel