Thursday, December 23, 2010

FREE Shipping NOW through January 8th on My Website!

My book is all about my own personal experiences with divorce and how I was able to see the upsides in my second chance at life, which helped me to make a GREAT recovery. You can do it too! Thanks for a chance to help someone here today!

Help your family and friends suffering from divorce or separation by keeping them busy during the holidays. I'll offer free shipping and handling for all sales on my website through January 8th!

My book on divorce recovery is called "Yes, There Is an Upside of Divorce, It Can Be Your Second Chance at Life!" You can search "upside of divorce" on Amazon and read the great reviews I have there. I can offer you DOUBLE the book discount, that I have below, as affiliate sales through my own website and PayPal account for you and your members as you wish. Email:

My book, …”Upside of Divorce,” has a more positive approach to divorce recovery and also goes further about how to make a happier and more enjoyable life after divorce. Book Discounts are available on my own website,, where you can save $4 to $7 off Amazon’s costs.


Thanks and Happy Holidays, Brian Daniel

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I have been very happy with ALL the GOOD REVIEWS I received so far on my book by ALL those who have chosen to respond back to me.

With the hundreds of books sold so far, both on Amazon and through my own web site,, I have received ONLY GOOD reviews!

I have received NO BAD reviews from anyone who has purchased and read my book. This makes me believe that I have written a good book and this it is certainly worth my efforts to continue marketing and selling it.

I have been extremely happy with those who have further asked more questions and who have wanted some more additional explanations of some of the positive sides and experiences that I have found in my own divorce. This has helped them to make an even better recovery in their divorce or separation and gives me an even better feeling of my book's worthiness.

I look forward to doing more of this in my first divorce recovery workshop on the internet that I am pursuing through the GoToMeeting company. Details can be found on website,

Brian Daniel

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Dissenting Opinion By Someone Who Can't YET See the Positive Sides!

Some weeks ago, I got an email from a guy who was suffering from his own divorce and sent me the following note.....
(he did not buy my book or read it)

Know what Brian Daniel,
There are no positive aspects of divorce.
You live a life alone.
Friends turn on you like your the enemy even though she was the one that committed Adultery. I couldn't even get that put down as the cause of the divorce. The judge said it could cause her some problems later in life.
After the Affairs, The divorce, all the legal posturing, Living alone, Then you start trying to date.

I know that women have a hard time dating guys but we have an impossible job ahead of us trying to date.
There are no positive aspects of divorce.
There is no hope for the future after the financial screwing you get, then of course there's child support that goes to fix their hair and nails for the weekend out.

You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to profit from a subject that has ruined many, many, men.
Just my thoughts

It was obvious to me that this fellow was indeed feeling a lot of the negative things all of us go through in a divorce.

I sent the following reply back just in case it may help him move along to the positive side of this traumatic change in life, a life change that millions of us go through each year. Here's my reply....

Hi Guy,

I felt like you do, full of anger, resentment, stung badly with child support and alimony that left me very little to live on. That happens to many men.

But I refused to let that stuff ruin the rest of my life. I went about looking at the good stuff I still had and decided to change myself and the rest of my life to be a happier and more enjoyable one.

That's what my book is about, taking that second chance at life and make something GOOD out of it.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Visit My Own Website "

You can get discounts on my book directly from me at my very own website!

Visit my site and get a $2 rebate check from me to you just for ordering your book copies there!

Use the "Books" button on the left to go to a separate page and place your order with the Pay Pal buttons there.

When you enter your Name and Address for delivery in PayPal, please add "BO" after your name so that I include your $2 rebate check!

Since I have self-published through Book Surge (now called "CreateSpace"), I can offer you a discounted price and a rebate check back too by buying your books directly from me!

Again, use my Website-- --to Buy Books directly from me, Brian Daniel!

I'll include your additional $2 Rebate check inside your book copies along with a personal note and a "Thanks!" from me.

Sincerely, Brian Daniel