Thursday, June 16, 2016

Self-Help-Products-and-Services -- (website is no longer used)

 I wanted to do another original blog that connects a lot of all the products and services that are in my expertise and my Coaching Services are $40 per Hour for more detailed Help and assistance.

You can contact me at

Please allow me to add additional details in another blog and will share much more detail there.

Thanks for your patience,
Brian Daniel


My divorce recovery book, 

"Yes There Is An Upside of Divorce, It Can Be Your Second Chance At Life!"

was the foundation to help others in divorce see the upsides of divorce. Having a POSITIVE attitude helps your self esteem.

Reducing negative thoughts, using your favorite music to lift  and staying busy with positive things to do, like better fitness, health and home improvements are important.

With all of these products and services, you can indeed, help yourself to have a happier life and more enjoyable life too!


My 10 Best Money Ideas can help you save more money. Because, when divorce monies are split, you may have to be more frugal. You need to reduce expenses and get more for your money. Consider having a second job.

My investment coaching will help you grow a larger nest egg for retirement. You need to save and invest wisely. Learn to use all tax advantaged savings--Health Savings Accounts, 401Ks, IRAs, and reduce taxes (more itemized items, used more municipal bonds).

R&D Tax Credits and Getting Money Back From a Bad Investment can also Save Thousands and Millions!

I have just started some interest (I hope!) in supporting a National Referendum VOTE to Balance the Federal Budget in 5 Years?       Many State Budgets do it!

  All Americans would VOTE, Yes or No, to Balance the Federal Budget in 5 Years, if Yes wins,it will be Law--it is that simple!

 34 states must support this National Referendum to allow Americans to VOTE for a Balanced Federal Budget, Please help us!

 Will you ask your state to support this National Referendum VOTE to Balance the Federal Budget in 5 Years? Please reply!


With all of the time you now have after divorce, you should get busy improving your health and fitness. Vitamins and supplements can support weight loss. This will increase your self esteem and that leads to more happiness.

You may have lost some friends in your divorce and you will need to make some new friends.

Community service will add more esteem and you may find more friends there too.

Home improvement and new or old hobbies may lead to more happiness. These positive things-to-do and further personal improvements provide  more self esteem and happiness.


This is going above and beyond the items above!

Reducing weight below Body Mass index, doing 200 pushups and 100 pullups daily and doing them until you are ninety years old!

Learning to manage your own money and investments!

Getting back your Money from a Bad Investment and Using R&D Tax Credits to improve profitability in your company or small business!

Finding a great place to retire!!!

Being a BETTER  at Golf and/or your hobbies!!


What could be better than a best friend, confidant, lover?

How to find that person can be a great adventure.   My book below, has a lot of information  that can help you!

My book, mostly about the many UPSIDES of divorce, can help you to find the positive sides too that are available in and after divorce.

Positive changes you can make will build your self esteem, confidence and the want to do even more positives for yourself and your family.

Take a look at my book below if you are interested. My book is all about the upsides.

Brian Daniel

My book "Upside of Divorce" (short title) is available with a discount on my Self-help website above or you can search it on Amazon and buy it there too.