Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Book and Its Contents Blogged to You Piece by Piece - Part 4

WHAT MY BOOK, "Yes There Is an Upside of Divorce" IS ALL ABOUT!
In this book, you can read about my personal experiences with divorce and learn from me how you can make the best of your divorce and separation. You can first learn how to handle the negative issues and some of these main subjects are:
Get Rid of Your Anger.
Quit Thinking You Are a Failure.
Beware of Depression!
Don’t Put Your Family / Friends In the Middle of Your Divorce.
You can then begin to enjoy all the positive sides of your divorce and separation, turning this unfortunate life event into your second chance at life. And you can, with help from these main subjects, make your new life after divorce and separation, a happier and more enjoyable one too, full of positive things-to-do!
How Long Will It Take to Move On?
Seeing Your Own UPSIDE Opportunities After Divorce.
How Matching and Dating Services Can and Do Work!
Find Another Partner to Share Life.
Will You Marry or Just Be Best Friends?
Staying Young with Romance and Sex!
Improve Yourself with Self-Actualization.
Always Be Positive and Enjoy the Moment!

Brian Daniel

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Book and Its Contents Blogged to You Piece by Piece - Part 3

When I first started writing my book, I called it the "Positive Side of Divorce".

But I soon found out that most people turn off with this title because they simply don't believe there is any upside at all.

After my physical exam, my doctor asked me what was new and I told him about writing my book and its title and he too simply replied quickly and said "There is No Upside of Divorce" and closed the door and walked away.

I was concerned that many others may do the same and just walk away after just reading my title.
So I changed the title to "Yes, There IS an Upside of Divorce, It Can Be Your Second Chance at Life"....I added "Yes, There IS" to be more emphatic and offered what specifically that Upside may actually be.

I also thought I should add the part "And You Can Make It a Happier and More Enjoyable Life Too!" to attract their real interest in what they all would want. That is why the full title is so long! LOL!

Brian Daniel

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Book and Its Contents Blogged to You Piece by Piece - Part 2

My Book's Preview -

"Here’s a positive approach to a very difficult time. Although the book is about divorce, it could easily be applied to any negative life circumstance.

Grieving is a natural part of any life loss; however I've seen people that never fully recover even years after their divorce or loss. Brian was able to have a positive attitude quickly — you can too!

Full of useful advice and practical examples, this book should be more about living ANY life in a positive way. Don't wait for a negative event to put his ideas to use!"

GiGi Konwin, Self Help Product Reviews

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Book and Its Contents Blogged to You Piece by Piece

I think it will be fun to go over every theme, reference and Chapters of my book, "Yes, There IS an Upside of Divorce - It Can Be Your Second Chance at Life!

Each of these new blogs will summarize the ways for you to find the upsides of your divorce or separation.

There may be sixty or so of these blogs to cover all the points and helping ways you can use to Make YOUR Life a Happier and More Enjoyable Life Too!

Brian Daniel

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Negative Sides of Divorce/Separation and Then......

Yes, there are Downsides of divorce or separation too!

I discuss upfront in my book that all of us divorced partners have the same small set of downsides to deal with, right away and pretty intense too!

Anger, loss of self esteem, loneliness and some despair and depression are the most frequent downside issues. Everyone has these and they can keep you down so far and for so long that it is tough to work through them.

But, I can tell you that they don't last forever - they can linger months and maybe years too.

The fastest and easiest way to get through them is to try and see the positive sides that may be there for you as well. New Friends, new job, new hobbies, new surroundings to explore, self improvements, and so on, can be positive distractions to get you going into your new life.

And my book can show you how I was able to make my new life after divorce, a happier and more enjoyable one! I did it, and you can too!

Brian Daniel

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Try a Really Different Life t\Than the One You Had Before!

When someone really wants to move on past, fast and easily, they begin changing almost everything that they did before.

This creates an entirely new person, who has new friends, new hobbies, moves to different surroundings, gets a new job, changes daily habits to others, and so forth.

By doing so, they "divorce" themselves from all that was them before to them now. This entirely new life and all that has changed makes it easier and faster to live that new life which has no ties to their previous one.

When you truly are different in many ways than before, YOU ARE A NEW PERSON, LIVING A NEW LIFE!

Brian Daniel

Sunday, October 9, 2011

eBook versions of my "Upside of Divorce" book and my Money Ideas!

I will try "Bundling" BOTH of my eBook versions of my divorce recovery book, which happens to be my blog name here.......AND.......My Ten Money Ideas too!

These have been separate copies selling for $5.99 and $3.99 respectively.

But soon these BOTH will be "bundled" together for just $7.99 plus PayPal additional charges.

I hope that this special limited time offer will increase in interest for each of these eBook offerings and increase overall sales!

Any questions out there?

Brian Daniel

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Positive Divorce Recovery is BEST!

Life Coaches, divorce blogs, divorce professionals, many divorce recovery programs and many authors of divorce books all agree that a positive attitude is the best way to move on easier and faster.

It is said in many different ways, many words are used, many examples are given, but the underline topic is that POSITIVE is better, seeing OPPORTUNITIES not challenges, finding the GOOD not the bad in situations and every day life, and EMBRACING these new changes in one's life will, indeed, make it easier and faster to move on.

Hundreds of books, coaches, articles, blogs, experiences and program themes and subjects cannot ALL be wrong.

Try my book, "Yes There Is an Upside of Divorce" or other positive recovery books and make your move on faster and easier too.

Brian Daniel

Thursday, October 6, 2011

If You Use Your UPSIDES of Divorce Enough, You Will Be POSITIVE !

Looking back on my own experiences, I have four regular hobbies which I spend a lot of time with, I have three others that I casually spend time on, I have significantly dated eight ladies now, I still have two jobs most of the year, I take care of our family home and have spruced it up each year and still find time to visit good friends every couple of weeks.

These are all my upsides and they keep me busy and make me very happy and satisfied.

I am very positive about life and live a full day each day. This has caused me to sleep better and have had to lengthen my sleep hours a bit now that I am almost sixty years old.

I am very thankful for all that I have and for all I have done so far. I still do all the simple daily things that make me happy, and the exercise and all the supplements that I wrote about in my book.

ALL these UPSIDES have made me POSITIVE, in short, an eternal optimist.

Give my book and yourself a try!

Brian Daniel

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Another Who Has Found Upside(s) of Divorce

A blog called "365 Letters to Mom" talked about the upsides they found.

Extended family members, more friends, and cousins too.

Please read it when you can, I couldn't comment and ask for permission.

PS: Reason for their blog? "Mom and me"

My book is on Amazon --Search "upside of divorce"--thanks!

Brian Daniel

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

There Continue to Be Many UPSIDES of Divorce/Separation!

Divorce Professionals on Linked In believe many of the same things I write about in my book.

They advise to start a new destiny after divorce, they advise their clients to do NEW things to try and do, they explain how it will increase confidence and self esteem.

Learning to do what you want to do, learning to love yourself, learning about the deep down you and what your interests really are.

Many of the LARGE same changes in new surroundings, new friends, new hobbies, and new interesting people to meet and date! These can be scary at first, but can actually be your next great years ahead.

My book and approach to recovery works! There are many others who agree with what is in my book!

Brian Daniel