Monday, March 21, 2011

"What Really Helps" Divorced and Separated Partners

E. Goldstein'­s article on the Huffington Post today about "What Really Helps" is a great one. It talks about the compassion you need to show others when listening to them and trying to help them.

My good reviews by readers of my book sense the compassion I have for wanting to help them. I tell about my "dark days" in divorce, how to deal with all the negatives and compassionately try to move them to see the UPSIDES that are there too for them.

For divorced or separated people, what really helps them are friends and fa­mily that know divorce/se­paration -- knowing what they are feeling and how to get them felling better is most imortant.

My book about my divorce can take them through what the next two years of moving on past divorce is all about and how to do it successful­ly.

If you need help or are interested­ in helping others in divorce or separation, see more of my book info at "upside of divorce" at Amazon or at my own website, Self-Help-­Products-a­nd-Service­s.

Brian Daniel

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