Friday, December 6, 2013

The Serenity Prayer's Guidance for Moving On After Divorce

This prayer originated as help for alcoholics.

Their personal problems often keep them down with low self esteem, depression, hopelessness, anger and other negative thoughts surrounding their current state.

People in divorce have these problems too.

The very pointed message and emphasis of this prayer is to have the wisdom to know what things you can change and the things that you can't change. And to have the courage to change those things that you can change.

I used this prayer to quickly turn me from the negative side to the positive side of divorce.

Thinking about the many upsides of divorce will help to focus on changes that you can control.

Trying to make these changes is the start.
After you do the first one, the second change will come faster. 

(You can easily find the Serenity Prayer on the net.)

Brian Daniel

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