Thursday, November 21, 2013

Divorce Brings To You A Second Chance At Life - Now What?..... Maybe a "Bucket List"?

Divorce has a way of stopping your previous life and starts you on your next life.

New place to live?  New responsibilities at home?  Making new friends?

These new things may require all of your attention for some weeks and months, and you will need to start some new routines too in how you live.

In my case, with the children staying with Mom, I found lots of lonely hours each day.
When partners separate and after their new routines to live are in place, there will be similar lonely times when they asked themselves, "now what"?

Might I suggest working up a genuine "Before I Kick the Bucket List"?

All those lonely hours can be aimed at what new things-to-do would you like to consider?

This decision list of what you may want to try, or things you always wanted to try, can be very helpful at this point after your divorce or separation.

You will find some re-kindling of your spirit and may smile a few times when planning some bucket items for your "new" self.

Brian Daniel

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