Monday, November 25, 2013

For GREAT Divorce Recovery, F O C U S On Changing Those Things That You Can Change!

Too often, after divorce, one wants to change the negative things going on, back to positive ones.

One can immerse themselves into fixing all the problems and IF YOU CAN CHANGE THEM, then Go For It!

For most of us in divorce (and me included!!), you may be trying to change those things that others don't want you to change.
This can just add more difficult situations between you and your ex-partner and your children and friends too.

This is very common practice and behavior,  but may yield very little results, if any.

The Serenity Prayer shows the wisdom to spend your time changing those things you CAN change, and the wisdom also, to not try and change those that you can't.

If you focus to change only those things that you can control, you will feel much more positive about them, have more self esteem and will want to change more things for your betterment.
Most self improvement things that you want to change are all changes that you can change.

Soon after divorce, these self controlled changes can help you feel better about yourself and your future and that focus will make ALL of your changes, faster and easier.

More happiness is just around the corner.

Brian Daniel

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