Wednesday, November 20, 2013

There Is an Upside of Divorce, It Can Be Your Second Chance at Life, and....

...You Can Make It a Happier and More Enjoyable Life Too!

The title of my divorce recovery book is all of the title box and the first line above too!

My book is a "self-help" type, which is what I was aiming for, because I wanted to share my fast and easy move on experience past divorce.

I had met others in divorce that languished in their lives for many years. They were angry, sad, depressed, had low esteem, not much hope, not much energy and many other negative conditions.

As a first time writer, I read a publisher's "how-to-do" formula for writing a self help book, and the most important part was the TITLE.

The publisher insisted that one use a long title and tell them what one's book is all about.

So, as silly as it looks in length, I kept the long title.

I tried a smaller title, "Upside of Divorce" and a friend of mine, when he heard my title quickly said,  "there aren't any upsides of divorce"!

Needless to say, I then realized that I better explain what upside of divorce is really there for ex-partners in divorce.....and so, I stuck with the very long title of my self help book.

My title needed to say what the upside can be and how good it might be too!

By the way, a recent e-dating commercial showed a young lady finding another man and said this was her "second chance" (at life)," and she was tearfully happy.

Brian Daniel

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