Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Book and Its Contents Blogged to You Piece by Piece - Part 3

When I first started writing my book, I called it the "Positive Side of Divorce".

But I soon found out that most people turn off with this title because they simply don't believe there is any upside at all.

After my physical exam, my doctor asked me what was new and I told him about writing my book and its title and he too simply replied quickly and said "There is No Upside of Divorce" and closed the door and walked away.

I was concerned that many others may do the same and just walk away after just reading my title.
So I changed the title to "Yes, There IS an Upside of Divorce, It Can Be Your Second Chance at Life"....I added "Yes, There IS" to be more emphatic and offered what specifically that Upside may actually be.

I also thought I should add the part "And You Can Make It a Happier and More Enjoyable Life Too!" to attract their real interest in what they all would want. That is why the full title is so long! LOL!

Brian Daniel

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