Friday, October 21, 2011

The Negative Sides of Divorce/Separation and Then......

Yes, there are Downsides of divorce or separation too!

I discuss upfront in my book that all of us divorced partners have the same small set of downsides to deal with, right away and pretty intense too!

Anger, loss of self esteem, loneliness and some despair and depression are the most frequent downside issues. Everyone has these and they can keep you down so far and for so long that it is tough to work through them.

But, I can tell you that they don't last forever - they can linger months and maybe years too.

The fastest and easiest way to get through them is to try and see the positive sides that may be there for you as well. New Friends, new job, new hobbies, new surroundings to explore, self improvements, and so on, can be positive distractions to get you going into your new life.

And my book can show you how I was able to make my new life after divorce, a happier and more enjoyable one! I did it, and you can too!

Brian Daniel

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