Friday, June 17, 2011

It Takes About Two Years for Most Ex-Partners to Move On

That's what I write about in my book.

And with some positive attitude, and some self-improvement things-to-do that will increase your self-esteem, you too can make a move on to a better and more enjoyable life after divorce or separation.

Here's another person who has spent the two years and is finding her better life after her divorce. Read this note I found today on a website...

Re: 2 years & still some agony.. normal?

I am outgoing, positive, confident & have good self-esteem everywhere else in my life but I've always been a different person around him, more reserved while he was the "voice" that others heard. I always tried to communicate my opinions & feelings but now I see both outwardly & subtly, he had a lot of control. I spent a lot of energy trying to make him happy & he downplayed who I was. He liked it that way.

You're right tho - without him, people have said I have my sparkle & perkiness back. On the one hand, not knowing him anymore after 17 years seems odd but on the other hand, he has treated me poorly so no loss.
Other than that, I'll do it.

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