Monday, September 10, 2012

Getting Married Again? Yes?, No?, Maybe?

Here's a topic with varied opinions.

I have met divorced ladies who have been married two more times after their first divorce in just a couple or three years.

I dated one of these ladies for about seven months which was longer than her third husband. I didn't feel too bad about that after we broke up.

I find a lot of companionship with single ladies and have year long relationships or more. (Sorry, I don't have much experience about men who have been married again, or not--men don't talk about this stuff!)

But I believe age has an effect, more about it when younger than older, and grown up children too as to whether marriage is wanted, needed or not.

 Younger ladies with young children can find another partner with some kids too and they can share the total work together. Is this a marriage of convenience?

Older ex-partners with kids out of the home may not want to marry but live together (or not).

Marriage does bring some entanglements when the two partners split. Having been through one divorce, I am not anxious to be "bound together" and suffer the consequences of another break-up.

Brian Daniel

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