Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Do You Want To Do With Your Second Chance At Life?

The UPSIDE of your separation or divorce will be that you CAN HAVE a second chance at life.

It is up to you to decide what, when and how you want to take that second chance at your rest-of-life.
Youe second chance may involve also "who" you want to be with too.

No need to hurry these decisions though. I was able quickly to get busy with some new hobbies, better health, better fitness and new friends and these took about two years. I then began to date again and work on new relationships with possible long term partners.

After about eight years after my divorce, I am still doing ALL of these above and some new ones!
I truly do have a happier and more enjoyable life and all of these things are part of that better life.

What would you like to do with your second chance at life?

Brian Daniel

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